A Very Unexpected New Year’s!

Join us for a memorable and unpredictable evening. Bring your best friends and be prepared to make new ones!

Embracing the unpredictability of the last few years, join us as we continue that sentiment with our first ever, “intuitively un-planned, totally mysterious, yet possibly best ever,” New Year’s Eve Party to celebrate the turn to 2024. Exactly how the night unfolds cannot be certain, however we do guarantee an equally cozy, creative, and vast space to explore, connect, imbibe, and be entertained.

DJ Kobalt Severa will dance us into the unknown with doors at 9p, lights out at 2a, and traditional tree burning at midnight. Jeff’s studio open all night for art tours. Costumes welcome but not required and dressing fancy is encouraged. Tickets $40 in advance via (link) or $60 at the door. Food and drink provided with upgrades available for purchase on site. Other surprises still brewing…

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